Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am Offically a Nursing Assistant!

The mail came late yesterday and I have been waiting ti see if I got my letter for the written test. Amanda came over and was leaving when the mail finally came. Instead of a letter I got a packet which I knew was good news. Amanda didn't leave until I opened it. I opened it and It was my Nursing Assistant's Certificate. My mom, Amanda, and I all started to Jump up and down and Screaming. The neighbors I'm sure were wondering what was going on, I can now say that life is better.


Samantha Kennicott said...

YAY MEL! You are so awesome for getting out there and accomplishing this goal, I knew you could do it. Now you just need to find an awesome job! Good luck, love ya! :)

Sharon and John said...

CONGRATS! Way to go. Good luck on the job hunt now!