Sunday, February 6, 2011

Uber Ultrasound Results!

Picture shows stomach and heart in different places. Black spot is the stomach.

So friday we had the ultra sound to tell us if the baby has a CDH. Good news! The doctor said that she could see the heart and stomach was in the right places and that they were separated with what looks like a intact diaphram. And that the heart was on one side and the stomach was on the other side. So diagnosis looks normal. If the baby does have a CDH it is a very miner one and they are not able to detect it yet. No news on the gender. Dr. did look long and hard but baby's legs were to close together and due to the time baby didn't want to move them at all. Dr. told us that we will probably for sure know on the next appointment. Next Appointment is on Thursday Feb. 17th. We will deffinatly keep everyone posted. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts and prayers on our behalf. They have helped tremendously.

1 comment:

Karilyn Carreon said...

Melanie I have been waiting to hear about your appointment. I am so so sooo glad to hear that things are looking good! Cant wait to know if its a boy or a girl... you can always google the Chinese calendar thing!!!