Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gracie is One Month Old

Thursday this week Gracie Lynn turned a month. She rolled over from her stomach to her back at 3 weeks. She smiled at a week (don't know if she was really smiling at me or just drifting off to sleep). She almost slept through the night last night. She has been quite fussy lately ad has been spitting up almost every feeding. My sister suggested to elevate her head at night. So I did. This morning at 6 am I woke up to check on her. I thought Josh had taken her out of the pack and play to rock her. He does that a lot at night. Then I looked to see if he was out of bed. He wasn't. I started to panic. Where did she go. Well she had rolled all the way down to the end of the pack and play and was covered by her blanket. I immediately took the blanked off to make sure she had not suffocated. She was fine and woke up with the cold air. Scared me to death. We went to bed at about 11 and she didn't get up until 6. I don't know if that is good or bad. The night before she woke up only twice and yesterday she only ate 4 times during the day. I hope that she is getting enough. Here are some pictures. The one in the flowered dress was last Sunday and I forgot to post it. The green dress we got at Kid to Kid yesterday. It is actually still in Baby Gap but we got it at Kid to Kid for 50% off. Josh didn't like the bow. But I love it. I try to get pictures before church but the light in our bedroom is not that great and our church is @ 9 so it is hard to get her at her best and have enough time to get pictures at all. So I was lucky to take some right after sacrament when we got home. This week I was hoping to stay for all of church but Josh is going back to work today and was tired and wanted to make sure that he had everything ready. These pictures I took right before she had a huge spit up all over the dress. I am so glad the dress is machine was cold. Enjoy.

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