Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some hard mommy emotions

Lately I have felt really detached from Gracie. Don't get me wrong. I am so glad to have her and I love her. But I don't feel like her mom yet. I don't feel bonded to her. Perhaps it is the fact that I am totally scared out of my mind that she is going to die in her sleep or something. Or the fact that I haven't had enough sleep. The other night I did have a thought that if at the end of the world we were dying of starvation, I don't know if I could watch her suffer. I feel like the worlds worst mom because of how I feel. I don't really hold her as much as I should. I don't feel like her mom yet. I feel a little distant from her. WHat is wrong with me? I was so excited to hold her and have her and now I don't know how I feel. I feel horrible.


Samantha Kennicott said...

Sounds like some post-partum hormones hitting you hard. Don't get down on yourself for it, it happens all the time and there are ways you can treat it. I would talk to your doctor about it and see what she thinks. Hang in there, it will get easier when your body gets back to normal. Love you!

jill said...

I'm sure you are a wonderful mother Mel but it sounds like Post-partum depression to me too, for sure talk to your doctor. I have had a lot of friends get through it and I know you can do it too! Good luck keeping you in my thoughts!

this is audrey said...

I'll agree with Sammi and Jill. Post-partum depression is something you want to get some help with, and not just try to "suffer through it."