Sunday, October 2, 2011

We bought a House!

Our contract for our rental is up at the end of October. Josh and I have been in a credit restoration program and have been very blessed financially to be able to pay off all our dept. We thought that it would take a while to have our credit scores to get higher, but that was not the case. I got a call from our landlords explaining that they needed to move back in Feb. of next year. They sent us a new contract extending the previous rental agreement. We talked to our realtors and they talked to a loan officer and we where able to be approved for $225,000. We started looking. Josh found a house immediately that he liked. I liked it too. It had been under contract but appraised to low and the people who wanted it backed out. We immediately put a offer in. There was another offer that was in as well and the other offer was a cash offer. Though it was less than we had offered the seller took the cash offer. Josh was devastated And very angry. I assured him that there was a better house and that it really was in God's hands. He didn't really like what I said. The next week we looked and really didn't find a house we liked. That weekend we found it. It is in Saratoga Springs and we liked it a lot. Some people have spiritual experiences when they find there house. I sort of had one. Though it was not for the house. We were driving to it and I had a feeling when we turned the corner that this was it. I actually was looking at the house on the corner. While we were looking at it Gracie got hungry and I took her to the main floor bed room to feed her. I felt very at peace. Who knows if that was a spiritual experience or not but I really do like this house. If everything goes the way it is suppose to we will close on October 28th. We also were told we could even close one to two weeks earlier that that. I am quit annoyed that I have to pack everything up again. Just when I jus barley finished un packing everything. But hopefully I won't have to do it again for a very very long time.

1 comment:

Samantha Kennicott said...

Congrats, Melanie! You will have so much fun personalizing it and making it a home for your family! :)