Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gracie Loves Giraffes

Ever since Gracie's Great Aunt Judy and Great Uncle Bill sent her a giraffe pillow and blanket she can't get enough of giraffes. After her Blessing I received a little note and some money from my Aunt Tarina and Uncle Steve. The note said to by something fun for Gracie. I went to Target and got a soothing sounds giraffe and a blanket with a giraffe on it. She falls to sleep with the music every night now. Smiles and eats it before she sleeps. She didn't really like it until the giraffe pillow and banket came. Now she smiles at everything giraffe. So I had to get a giraffe outfit for her. Josh also brought her home a giraffe from Texas. She loves them and can't get enough. I think she will be having a giraffe birthday party. It is so fun to see what things kids react to.

1 comment:

jerbonashfoy said...

whats crazy about that is my 2 year old loves giraffes too!!!! No idea what it is about them, but she loves them she has like 4 stuffed giraffes, a giraffe pillow pet, and she will always bring me the pic of the giraffe from the zoo and says "go" so cute! Our two girls can be great friends! They could always say the bonded over giraffes!