Gracie had ther 15 month appointment this afternoon. She is 17.5 lb. One lb. Heaveier than the last appointment. She had her blood taken to see why she isn't gaining weight. Doctor wants us stop giving her bottles. Try to get her not to take them. She doesn't eat any solids because she knows that she will get a bottle. I have kind of a hard time eating 3 meals a day. So this will be good for me. Gracie needs 3 solid meals a day. This is hard because she mostly throws things on the floor. I am trying to think of other things to feed her. She likes Mac and cheese, Cheetos, Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, spigetti, guacaumole, Sippy cups, crackers and gold fish. We have tried corn dogs, fries, chicken nuggets, and the things we have for lunch and dinner. But she usually has one or two bites and throws the rest on the floor.
On a happier note. Gracie has been becoming more mobile. She can sit up from being on her stomach and is now kneeling. Still not crawling but is getting really close. She points at everything and loves Patty Cake and Peek A Boo. She likes throw it in the oven the best and can do Peek A Boo all by her self.
She also loves her daddy. She misses him a lot when he is working and wants him all the time when he is home. Josh can always get her to do funny faces. She scrunched her face up and sniffs. So funny. We love having her in our family. I only hope I can get her to not take bottles and eat regular food. We will have to work on that.
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