Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Discouraging Day

Last night I went to see my mom in Cinderella at Murray Amphitheater. Josh, dad, Manda, Camille, and I all went. We had a great time. After the show we went to Leatherby's for Ice cream. Now don't get me wrong I love to hear stories about my nieces and nephews, but tonight I got really sad. Manda started talking about the Mother's Day program that Kai's preschool did for the moms. She told us how excited he was when performing. The teachers would ask the kids what they liked most, and how old they thought their mom's were. Most of the kids said 3, but Kai said 30. Kai said that Amanda's Hair was pretty. It made me think of Ally and how she never said those things to me. She never told me that she loved me. I know she did but oh how I want to hear her say it. I am kind of wondering if I will ever be able to rase my children on earth. I know that my children were the best and that they were to good to be here, but can't I just have a normal one? Why do my children keep dying? All I have ever wanted to be in this life is a mother. And I can't even be that. What does God want me to do? Doesn't he want me to be happy? I know that I will never be able to adopt. We will never have enough to pay for a kid. Josh and I both think we couldn't handle fostering. We couldn't bear to have the state take away the kids we foster. I wish that someone, someone who doesn't want there baby, to leave it on my doorstep. Leave it and know that the baby would be perfectly fine and happy. But who does that? No one. Sometimes I just Hate my life.


Charis said...

I wish I knew of someone who was giving a way a baby. . . I would make sure that you got it.

~Mrs. Callie Owen~ said...

If I ever find someone ready to put a baby on a doorstep I will make sure its you!

The.Marcellus.Family said...

I want to have a baby and then bring it to you with a big bow on it.

Kristy said...

Melanie, you might not remember me, but I am a good friend of your mom's. I heard about your loss and wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your husband. You will be in our prayers. Don't give up on adoption. My daughter has adopted two darling children. They are such a blessing in our lives.