Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday. I had a good day. Scones for breakfast. Winger's for lunch, a peanut butter cup sundae from Leatherby's for dinner. Yummy. Still it really didn't seem like my birthday. I am really missing my girls. Today at Letherby's my friends and I were talking out side and I started crying after I saw someone bring there car seat in. The same one that Ally had. Stupid!. We also had this guy that would not leave us alone. He wanted us to look at some free perfume. We told him no thank you but he still came to talk to us. He then came and asked us about the LDS church. Like that was his pick up line. Stupid. All of us were offended and told him to go away. My one friend was the only one to talk to him. She told him to go to and read more. He then left. Seriously what was he thinking we're all happily married. Weird. Then on the way home I noticed that my car's service light came on. Not the best birthday present. But it was a good day. Oh I did order two glasses. My birthday presents from my parents.

1 comment:

Charis said...

happy birthday melanie! I am glad that you had a pretty good birthday despite all the obnoxious things that happened. . . i hate car service lights. . . they are the worst. . . espeically when you don't know what the light means!