Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Eyes are stupid!

So this year for my birthday I wanted to get contacts. I have never had them before and I am starting to dislike the way I look in glasses. I had an exam today and the eye doctor told me that I would not be a candidate for contacts. He told me that my eyes where oval shaped and would have to get specialty made contacts that wouldn't even help my vision that much. He said my condition is not that common and that I should go to Moran Eye Center to get it checked out. He said that I might need surgery at some point in my life. Not something anyone wants to hear. The list goes on and on of my imperfections.

1 comment:

Samantha Kennicott said...

Oh man, that's a bummer! Maybe when you go to Moran Eye Center they can tell you if you're a candidate for Lasik...then you wouldn't need contacts or glasses! That's what I want to do eventually when we have the money for it! :)