Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Passed Skills and took Written test

I called one of my instructors and asked how I could find out about my Skills State test. I still haven't been mailed my results. She called me back and told me that I had PASSED my Skills test and told me who to call to have them send me the results. I called them and they are going to send me a copy. But I am so thrilled that the Skills teat is over and I PASSED.

As for the Written State test, I took that this morning. I was way worried about the Skills test and didn't really think that the Written test would not be that hart. I found our the oposit. I thought it was tough. I think I did ok. It was hard because they had two answers that could work. They tried to trick you. I hope I passed. It only took a 1/2 an hour. Please Please Heavenly Father. Help me pass.

P.S. Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for your help passing the Skills test. I am so Grateful. I was so Thrilled to hear the news.


this is audrey said...


Erica said...

That is fabulous news Melanie! Congratulations. You are now going to continue to be an angel to even more people through the medical world. Way to go- That is awesome!