Sunday, October 17, 2010


Thursday I was backing my Dad's car out of the garage when i hit Josh's car that was on the curb. I cracked his back light and made a dent in my Dad's car. I was going visiting teaching and I felt terrible the whole time. I emailed my mom and dad and told them that I was sorry and I would help pay for it. I hope they got the email. They are on a cruse in Europe so I have no Idea if they did or not. It did make me feel a little better about it. I don't think I could have lived with the guilt for the next to weeks. Josh was not happy as usual and I was surprised when he got home from work he didn't chew me out. I didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident. My Dad's car didn't look that bad so I thought that I could pop the dent out with a hammer. Nope and I managed to hit my thumb with the hammer instead. OUCH! For both cars and me. My thumb still hurts and I did this Thursday Night. Serves me right I guess. I hope I won't have to go to the doctor and get it drained out. The thing that makes me mad is Josh happened to tell my bother in law and he won't stop making fun of me. Plus everyone at his work. I also have made a vow never to drive anyones car. Of course I will have to take my dad's car to pick them up from the airport. Now when anyone drives my dad's car I get way nervous. Josh has driven it all this weekend me with him and I am super scared that we will hurt the car again.

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