Monday, October 11, 2010

Sleeping pills or Pregnancy? #2

Well I called the doctor and he still hasn't gotten back to me. I then called the pharmacist to see if they could tell me anything. The pharmacist asked me what dosage I was on. I told him I was only taking a half of a 50 mg tablet. He told me that is one of the side affects but said that I shouldn't be affected by it because I was taking such a small amount. Even if it was a side affect it wouldn't have been going for four days strait. Who can solve the mystery? I have never had the stomach flu for more than a day or two. Get this. I got some Sprite and Starbursts because that seems to be the only thing that calms my stomach. I also decided to get some prenatal vitamins. Josh and I have been trying with no luck yet. When I cam home and took the prenatal vitamin I felt a little better weird. I could be pregnant but nausea is the only sign so far. That and I am way tired. I was never this sick with my girls. Who knows what it is. Food doesn't even make me feel better and that is weird.


Elizabeth said...

Melanie: I hope that if you are wanting to be pregnant, that is what it is. I never could eat a lot when I was first pregnant and I was always sick and super tired too. Also, add another person to the list of who would want twins...they run in Kyle's family too, so I am always on the lookout for it to happen. Good luck in any case!

Samantha Kennicott said...

I hope you get feeling better soon, feeling nauseous is NO fun!

Yatesfam said...

So sorry you have been sick. That is never fun. Although like Elizabeth if you want to be prego, I hope that's what it is...even though being sick stinks I've heard the sicker you are the healthier the baby?? Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon.