Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Crazy Day!

Today didn't really go the way I planed. First I had a meeting with my job @ 3:20 this afternoon. Manda needed me to tend today and assured me that she would be home @ 3:00 so I could get there on time. She couldn't get anyone to take her tables so I drove the kids to her. Trying to get everyone in the car and buckled, I locked my keys in the car. Kids and All. Luckily I got Kia to open the door for me. We then left the driveway at 3:15. I called my job to tell them I would be late. So I drop the kids off with Manda, drive to work and park. Trying to get there as fast as I can. I step on to some dirt. Thinking it is not mud. I was wrong. Right foot sank and part of the left too. I'm already late. I ran up stairs to the bathroom to wash them off. Then I finally get to the meeting which is practically over. What a day. Was also planing on going to the basket ball game tonight. But my dad thinking that I wouldn't be home in time asked someone else to go. So I am home alone and trying to figure out what to eat. Hope everyone else had a great day. And hoping mine goes better tomorrow.


Stefanie said...

Oh sorry Mel. I took the ticket last night.

Melanie Hensley said...

its ok. Steff. No worries.