Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ally's Song

Tonight I played Ally's Song for the Relief Society Christmas Party. I kind of need to still work on it and I need to put it to paper. I still haven't finally completed Evie's song on paper and I wrote it 3 years ago. I'm almost done putting hers on paper. But I just finished Allyson's. So far my collection of compositions are for passed people. I wrote my first one for my nephew Benjamin Charles Fletcher who was stillborn in December 2006. I wrote Evie's Song in 2007 before her birth in June. I then wrote my cousin's baby Ruby a song. She was still born in September 2007. Ally's song I finally wrote from a song that I made up previously for one of my friends two days ago and my first performance was tonight. All in all I thought it went great. The ending needs some work. I wish I could put it on my blog so everyone could hear them. I was told today that when playing you could picture my Ally dancing around. I hope that is what each of them do when I play there songs.

1 comment:

CDHi Admin said...


Your poor family has suffered far too much tragedy!

Looking forward to hearing your songs in memory of your precious girls.