Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This Year needs to be over!

This week has been a nightmare. Sunday night I had a panic attack. Josh told me that we haven't paid off any of are credit cards this year. Then I got this insane thought it my head. We have been praying for some help with finances for a while now. We also where told that if we had a 3rd CDH baby that we would be the only ones in the world to have a 3rd. It has never happened ever. We would be famous. My mind then thought that if we did have a 3rd with CDH we would be famous and rich. Maybe this was the answer to our prayers. I then started to cry. I want a baby not to be rich an famous. Is God going to bless us with one thing and take away the other. I also have been sick for the last 2 weeks and am getting very annoyed that I can't hear out of my ears. I kind of lost it on Sunday night and had a panic attack.

Monday morning I got ready to go to work and my car wouldn't start. Josh was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up to tell him. I also tried to call his cell but he had turned it off for the night. I took his car to my clients and asked my dad who was still home to run down stairs and let him know. Luckily my mom didn't have to work and he could take her car to work. I called Nissan and made an appointment to get it fixed on Tuesday morning. I also went to the doctor to see if I could do something to fix my hearing. I don't have an ear infection. Just clogged ears and I just have to wait it out. It sucks. I am one of the rare cases that this happens to. Can't I be a normal case for once?

I went walking Tuesday morning with my parents and asked dad if he could help me jump start my car so I could take it in. Josh worked over night and I didn't want to wake him up to help. My dad said he would and when he got ready for work we went out to jump start the car. It wouldn't start or even turn over. So then we called a tow truck and waited for him to come. I was suppose to go to a concealing appointment Tuesday morning at 9 and I had to cancel because of the car fiasco. The tow truck got there and I took Josh's car to the dealer so I could get back home. The tow truck followed and we where able to get the car in. I got a call later while I was tending my sisters kids about what had happened and why we couldn't get it to start. The service engine soon light had been one since August but Josh and I didn't have the money to fix it until now. Apparently the car had been flooded with some fluid, had a broken crank shaft, needed a new battery, an oil change, and had a crack in one of the engine mounts. Damages for the car costed $720 and an extra $350 for the mount fix. Luckily my dad was a life saver and paid for the mount fix. Josh was not very happy. Money is very tight right now and I might be getting a second job soon. We got the car back Tuesday night and everything is working great.

Wednesday after paying some medical bills Josh calls me and tells me that I need to go to the bank and get all new accounts and ATM cards. Are accounts where blocked today due to some fraudulent charges. Josh said that everything looked fine on our online statement. I went to the bank to get the new things and found out that someone was trying to collect more than they were allowed to and that is why they put a hold on our accounts. After spending an hour on fixing everything it finally worked out.

Tonight I was suppose to have a CNA client. I got to the clients house and was first told that I was early. Then realizing that I wasn't the right CNA the client's son told me that another CNA was coming and that I wasn't needed tonight. Very confused I left and drove home. I then called my work and told them what had happened. They told me that they apparently double booked the client. I then asked if it was just for tonight or if I had been replaced. The owner I was talking to wasn't sure but told me that he would find out ether tonight or first thing tomorrow and call me and let me know. I haven't seen this client in 2 weeks because I was sick. Last week I had a doctor's note. I think it is a little ridiculous that I get punished when I am legitimately sick at my job. People get sick! I don't think they want us to go to the client, make them sick and die and have the company sued for wrongful death. Call me Crazy! I am not getting along with this new Office Manager the company just hired. She is not very nice and seems extremely mad when you call in sick or anything. Get over it. People get sick and there isn't really anything that they can do about it. Please let this year be over and fast. I can't deal with any more insanity.

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