Monday, January 31, 2011

Moving back to the Condo

This weekend we are moving back into the condo after 7 months of living in my parent's basement. The Footes are leaving for Portland tomorrow. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I am kind of glad to be going back but also a little uneasy about it. I will be glad to not have to share the washer and dryer, know where everything is in the kitchen and not get nagged so much if I happen to take a 4 hour nap during the day. Also I have missed my garden tub very much and will be happy to take baths when ever I want and not worry about waking anyone. On the other hand I don't know how it will feel to move back. We haven't been there for 7 months and since Allyson died. Not to mention that Allyson died on the living room floor. I will also have to start cooking ever night again, which I am not very fond of. I hope everything goes well. And hopefully with us dropping another $500 off our asking price, the condo will sell.

The bishop gave a great lesson on Sunday for the combined Relief Society and Priesthood block. He said that we shouldn't say we will be happy when we get a house, our dream job, have 3 kids, ext. We should strive to be happy with what we have now. Maybe we should stop focusing on selling our condo, Maybe for some reason we need to be there. I know that we have needed it for Allyson, and for the Foote's to stay but I don't know now. I wish that we could get some inspiration on it. Like it selling really fast or getting a calling in out word that would need us to be there for a certain amount of time. Something. But I guess we will have to wait some more. It would help us financially if we did sell but it is not extremely necessary to. Guess we will have to play the waiting game yet again.

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