Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sick of Being Sick!

Well Sunday I stayed home from church because of a sore throat. Little did I know that it would turn into something worse. Sunday night I was throwing up mucus. I called into work extremely early on Monday. I went up stars to eat something at about 8 and the first thing my mom says is "I hope they don't fire you." No I'm sorry you don't feel well. No compassion, no sympathy and no believing that I am really truly sick. My I say that I have never wanted to move back to my condo so bad in my life after that. We both calmed down. It was a holiday Monday and my dad was off. My sister Amanda was working at Olive Garden in American Fork and my mom and dad invited everyone to go there for a late lunch. I decided to go. Big mistake. I threw up everything but ice cream at the restaurant. Tuesday wasn't that great. I did see one of my clients but got way tired just sweeping the floor. I also felt bad that I had to keep blowing my nose because it was dripping like a Faucet. I finally decided to call the pregnancy risk line and ask what I could possibly take to help me feel a little better. They asked me what I would take if I wasn't pregnant. I told them I would take Niquil. I was surprised with there answer. They told me that I could take it. I wasn't quite sure I should. I had called them once and asked for my sister Camille's nausea what to take and they said Vitamin B12 and Unisom. Camille called and they told her Vitamin B6 and Unisom. I was very confused and called to clarify. I don't want to heart the baby but I needed something to help. I then called both my sisters who said if they said it was ok then it's ok. To be double sure I called my cousin Tami to make sure and she told me that they are the best. So I took it Tuesday and Wednesday night. I am feeling tremendously better. Although still very scared that I hurt the baby. Haven't had any pain or bleeding though. Good sign. Now if I can just get the congestion out of my ears and get rid of my horrible cough I will be in business.

End of December to Present I have had 2 sore throat episodes, 1 massive cold, and 2 ear infections. I was asked at work today if I got a Flu Shot. and I did. so shouldn't this prevent some things? Maybe yet again I am one of those rare cases. Boy I wish I could just be a normal case.

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