Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thoughts and feelings on the pregnancy!

So I was talking to my councilor about things. When the question of If the baby has the same thing what will I do? I told her I don't like to think about it. I get teary even thinking about it. I don't know if I would terminate the pregnancy or not. I keep telling her and myself that if I should have another CDH baby I would probably have to be institutionalized for the rest of my life. But I've said that with Allyson too. Would God really make me go through it again? I have a very hard time taking to him about it. I feel that I bother him with it. I have decided that he knows my thoughts even before I think them. I feel like I am waisting his time every time I ask him for a healthy baby, for are condo to sell, and help with finances. I have asked him so many times for these things I feel like he knows already. I told my mom that I wasn't praying anymore because of this. She said that instead of praying for blessings. Give a prayer of thanks for all the blessings I do have. So for the last week I have been doing that. It is hard when you are in the mind set of asking for things you need to change to thanks and I have to stop myself during some prayers and rethink wording but at least I can thank Him for things and not think of what I really have no control over. He knows me. He knows my wants, my needs, my desires. He knows what I can and cannot handle and sometimes in life you have to leave it up to him.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I know that feeling Mel -- keep praying. Give thanks for what you have, and ask Heavenly Father's help for what you need. He always knows what we want or what we need... but He still tells us to pray. It's part of faith.

Hang in there. I know you will.