Sunday, February 20, 2011

Remembering Ally today!

For some stranger reason I started crying in sacrament in the closing song. I left after sacrament not wanting to make a scene. Plus I didn't bring snacks and I knew I wouldn't make it through all of church. I of corse tried to figure out why I started to cry. Ally's birthday isn't until next Sunday. I then thought of the stressful week I had just had. I am still really upset about the fact that some lame person is using Ally's social. I not really liking my job that much and we have no money even though being paid this weekend. I am sick of waiting for pay check to pay check just to survive. Its not like we are not trying to improve our lives. Josh is trying to get better paying jobs and I am trying to work as much as I can. I am so sick of being this way. We have prayed and prayed for help in this area and it never seems like we can rectify the problem. I also miss my Girls soooooo much. After sacrament meeting I went home and bawled. It is so painful. Why can't I just have a year where everything goes right. I'm also off my anti depression medication. I find that when off of it I tend to fly off the handle at any simple thing that happens. I just feel like I can't take any more. Haven't I been through enough in my life?

1 comment:

Emily W said...

Trust the Lord Mel. He can lighten the load. You will still have trials but he makes them easier to bear. Be grateful for tough years. That means Satan fears the good that you and your family can do so he is trying to make you hurt and feel discouraged. Love you tons.