Saturday, February 19, 2011

Social Security and the IRS Fun.

Thursday after the dr. appointment Josh went to work and filed our taxes. He then called me at 8 to tell me that the IRS wouldn't take it E-file due to my social and my birthday not matching. This has been a problem for the last couple times we have tried to file E-file. My social is my first middle and last name. I find it ridicules because Josh and I have been married almost 9 years and it has never been a problem before. Plus we calmed Ally this year and apparently some one else has used her social. How offal is that. My child is dead and some ass hole thinks its ok to use her social. Sorry about the language but it really makes me mad. Shoot all illegal immigrants. So now we have to send our taxes in and who knows when we will get our refund back? We also have to verify Ally's Identity. The Social Security Administration is going to send letters to the both of us and have us prove that that is her social. Who knows how long that is going to take. I just don't want to deal with it. I am still very upset about her death and now this. So who knows how long this thing is going to take to fix. Lets just say I have had better weeks in the past.

1 comment:

Samantha Kennicott said...

Wow, I can't believe someone stole Ally's social security number! That is crazy, I can't believe there are people like that in the world. I am so sorry that is happening to you guys! :(