Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Condo selling offer in 3 years!

Today we got an offer on the Condo. We are looking over it tonight. I kind of have mixed feelings. On one hand I am totally thrilled and excited. On the other hand I am just waiting for the bottom to drop out. Have had some really worry some emotions lately. I have been taking a antibotic to clear my urin out and I think it is messing my emotional status up. I have been extreemly sad and depressed. Not really about anything. I have been so erritated to the point that I want to hurt myself to make it stop or others. I have been hearing things lately which is even conserning to my councelor. I heard a random cat Meow on the freeway, Jay Leno in the middle of the night, people talking about me when they haven't really been talking to me and other things. Am I going crazy? Who knows. My councelor told me to talk to my OB next time I see her. I can't seem to be able to handle things that don't go my way. I am pretty sure that my job isn't very fond of me and I am having anciety about going back. My thoughts automatically turn to what the worst possible outcome could be and I am having a hard time thinking positive as of late. I hope I can start to try to think positive and try to get over this opsitcal I have been having.

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