Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its a Girl and I'm on bed rest for 2 weeks.

Today we had an ultrasound and it is defiantly a little GIRL. There was no question all though Josh says that ultrasound techs have been wrong before. Both the tech and the doctor are 100% sure, although the doctor wants to wait until it is born. Everything else looks great. Gracie Lynn is due July 30th. After my ER trip last Tuesday I have had really saver cramping in my thighs. I mentioned this to my doctor and she told me she was putting me on bed rest for 2 weeks. She didn't want to take any chances. I am kind of relieved. Josh didn't take it to bad. I told my dad and he thought it was ridicules. Oh will I have a doctors note so there. I don't know how I feel about having a girl. I love the clothes and things for them but I really don't want to replace the 2 in heaven I already have. Plus I wanted to go shopping for boy things and I don't know how I feel about letting Gracie use Ally's things. I'm sure Ally wouldn't mind one bit but I don't know how I feel about it. I am ok with it being a girl, i guess. You can't change that I guess. Josh still wants a boy so he told me that my wish had come true. He said that we will have to try again.


Samantha Kennicott said...

Don't worry, she won't be replacing your other two little girls. She is a brand new, unique little spirit who has never been on this earth before, just as Evie and Ally were. I am surprised by her name, I thought you were going with Rainie for a girl? But I love Gracie, that is so cute. Congrats and I hope you feel better after your 2 weeks of rest. Love ya!

Stefanie said...

Silly Mel, if Gracie wears Allie's stuff its called hand me downs. I think we all did it. Hahah I know I did. She will never replace Evie or Allie. They are all special to all of us. We love you so much. My parents and I were watching the news last night and were kind of upset when we heard this and why we did not know about this earlier. There is a woman that would have come and taken pictures of Allie and Evie for you. Done portraits of them so you have those memories. They were so cute and you know there was so much love there, we thought of you and Josh right away.