Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Job!

Most of you know that I have been on bed rest(more like work release) for the last 2 weeks. I was supposed to return to work tomorrow. I called work to make sure that I was ok to return tomorrow. I was told that I needed a note from my doctor for the bed rest release. The note needed to tell them about any restrictions I need to have with the current condition I am in. YOu may not know that I am now 5 months pregnant. Getting bigger and bigger every day. It is now hard for me to bend over and hard for me to do strenuous things. I called and left a message with the nurses at my doctors office. I got a message today saying that I needed to call them back with info on where to send the note and kind of explain the bed rest thing to them. The two week bed rest came from me being in lots of pain after my ER trip. I am just wondering if I can preform the things I need to in my job now. I have a lot of house work to do. There for on my feet a lot and I have a lot of baths I give to clients which I have to bend to get there feet. I just don't know if I can do this job right now. I have told a temp agency that I would like 5 months of work in a receptionist job or something like that. They said they didn't have anything like that at the moment but would call if they got something.

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