Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Labor and Delivery Trip Tuesday!

So Tuesday before my counseling appointment I call and leave a message with my ob nurse about the Braxton hicks and how close they are to each other. After my counseling appointment I get a call from the nurse. I told her what was happening and how Allyson was 6 1/2 weeks early. She was very concerned and told me to go to Labor and Delivery. So I did. Josh's phone was off because he had worked a double the day before so I called a neighbor and asked her to go get him up. I figured he was still sleeping. I got checked in and hooked up to a monitor to monitor the baby's heart beat and another monitor to monitor my contractions. I gave a urine sample and they checked to see if I had a yeast infection or anything else that might be causing the contractions. Results: Perfectly normal. nothing out of the ordinary. They told me that I probably was dehydrated and needed to drink more and that I have a very picky uterus. So glad everything is well. I was hoping that they would put me on bed rest but they didn't. I am going to talk to my doctor on Thursday next week to see if she can right a note to get me to stop working. I have been having really bad panic attacks about my last assignment. I just don't think I have the mental state to do the job right now. Maybe have something to do with loosing Ally and not really having time to greave over it. Got pregnant so soon after. We will see what she has to say. Josh not to thrilled about the trip. But better safe than sorry I think.

1 comment:

Karilyn Carreon said...

I am so glad that everything was fine... DRINK SOME WATER WOMAN!! :) I hope you can go on bed rest and enjoy it before your sweetheart comes!