Monday, April 18, 2011

Dora Needs a New Home!

Sadly we have to find a new home for our cat. She has been a good kitty. Although I haven't liked her much, Josh does and doesn't want to take her to a shelter or the pound. She is about 5 I think and is very well behaved. She is a great lap kitty and doesn't need much time to adapt to new surroundings. She loves to play, is good with kids and dogs. She would be a great addition to any family. We can not take her with us due to rules of the rental we are renting. Alister and Carl will be coming but they are in cages. I hope there is someone out there who will give Dora a loving deserving home that I know she would love. Please feel free to pass this on to neighbors, friends, co-workers, ward members or anyone you think would be interested and let me know. Anyone also can come and meet her. We would be willing to through in her food dish, water dish and litter box to who ever can give her a good home. Thanks for your help.

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