Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My 2nd Trip to Labor and Delivery!

My sister had her baby today. 7 lb 0 oz. 19 inches long. So we were there when she had her. I had fell and strata-led the steps at my other sister's house. I landed on the brace on the back of the steps. I was in some pain and felt a little wet down there. So I called my nurse to ask. She called back and told me to go to Labor and Delivery to have it checked out again. So I did. I called to see if I could go go the Riverton Hospital because I was right there, No they had me drive back to IMC. I was quite bummed because I really wanted to see my new niece. At IMC I got there and hooked up to monitors. They did a test right off to see if I was leaking water. It turned bright blue. The nurse was a little worried and said that I might have punctured my water. I immediately started to cry. It's way to early for my baby. 26 weeks, She wanted to double check and make sure. She called another resident and they did an exam and some tests. My water isn't broken but I did have quite the scare. I am such a klutz.

1 comment:

Samantha Kennicott said...

Glad you're okay, Mel! Be careful!!