Monday, May 30, 2011

Grandpa Don

Yesterday I found out that my Grandfather Don Miller Wheeler had passed away. My mom and dad went to refill his medication and found him. When I heard I wasn't emotional but when telling the news to my sisters I immediately started to cry. He was such a great man. Always generous and kind. He signed two plots over to Josh and I so we could barry Evie and Allyson. He also said the family prayer at both their funerals. He was doing so well. I thought that after having his Heart Transplant at 75 he wouldn't be around this long. I am astonished at how well he has done. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. I hope that he knows how much Josh and I are grateful for what he has done for our family. I miss him so much already. He now is with my two daughters, his wife, and his son. Love you and Miss you Grandpa.

His funeral is Friday at 11:00 am.

1 comment:

Samantha Kennicott said...

So sorry about your grandpa Mel!