Sunday, June 5, 2011

Irritations, Stress, and Big Weekend

This week has been irritation city. I have been trying long and hard to figure out why Josh and I are so irritated with each other lately. We have been under a lot of emotional stress. My grandpa died and emotions take a toll on energy. Josh has been acting very short with me lately. He always seems irritated with everything I say. Seems to loose his temper every time I open my mouth. The two days he has off I think are the worst days in the week. I yesterday didn't want to talk, touch, or even been in the same room with him. I forgot to take my medication yesterday morning so that might have had something to due with it.

Also my grandpa's estate thing has been getting on my nerves. I don't want to remember my grandpa because he was rich. I don't care about what expensive thing I get from his house or how much money monthly we could get. I care about my grandpa. Lately the family has been talking and making assumptions about it. I don't care. What also bothers me is when members of my family tell non members of our family about the different things each of my aunt's got and talk about Grandpa's assets. It is non of there business. It should just stay in the family.

Also the assumption of everything should be divided equally. Sorry to burst your bubble but LIFE IS NOT FARE!!!!. The sooner people know that the better off they will be. It has been very weighing on me. It happens all the time with one family member in my immediate family. Things will not ever be equal in this life. Maybe in the next but not this one.

The whole family also, I believe, Is suffering from lack of sleep. Josh worked two overtime shifts this week. Both in a row and both at the end of his week. Thursday night was my Grandpa's viewing, I dropped Josh off at 6:00 am that morning. We car pool when ever we can. I didn't really get a good nap Thursday. I had a dr. appt. at 11:00 and I wrote some memories about grandpa the rest of the day until his viewing. We didn't get done with the viewing until 9:30 and I had to send my remarks to my aunt sue. I also stayed and chatted for a while with my family. I was late to pick up Josh by 25 min and we didn't get home until 11:15.

Friday we had to be at my parents house at 8:30. The funeral was at 11:00. After funeral the burial, luncheon, grandpa's to chat with the davis family(cousins), Flowers to gravesite, Dinner at Apple-bee's and shopping at Walmart for a baby shower gift.That night not home until 12:00.

Saturday less busy. home until 3:30. Then down to my parents. We waited for everyone to get home, had a quick snack and went to the Miss Murray reunion concert at Murray Amphitheater. The concert didn't start until 8 and ended at 10. After we went to Village Inn for dinner. We didn't get home until 1:30.

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