Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yesterdays Dr. Appointment

Yesterday I had a Dr. appointment. Monday I had really bad contractions in the after noon and at night. The night ones kept me up until 5 am. Luckily they where calmed by a hot bath. I was ready to go in with both episodes, but figured it would be stupid to go in be sent home and go in for a Dr. appt. the next day.

Tuesday at the Dr. I did a NST(non stress test) first. The nurse first measured my fluids. She had to measure them twice because the first measurement was pretty low. The baby's heart beat was normal, but the machine couldn't pick up the contractions. I told the nurse and she repositioned the monitor and it picked up 2 very strong contractions. The nurse then asked me when I was seeing my Dr. again. I told her right after the NST. At the Dr.'s office they checked fluids and my cervix with a ultrasound. I then asked if they could check to see if I was dilating. Usually when checked it does not hurt at all. This time it was extremely painful. The Dr. estimated about 1 cm dilation but wasn't quite sure because I couldn't hold still long enough. He said that I might have and infection or something to cause that pain but didn't give me anything or seem that worried about it.

I must mention that I tend to dilate extremely fast. With Eive I was at a 1 cm the first week checked and dilated 3 cm a week each week. With Ally I never knew how much I dilated because she was so fast and early.

I now see the Dr. every week and also have a NST scheduled for every week as well. The sad thing is that I don't get to see my real Dr. Just one of the others that is working the day I come in.

Some how I think Gracie will make her entrance ether the first of July or the middle.

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