Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our weekend in Ephraim Utah!

Friday through Wednesday we where in Ephraim Utah with Josh's family. Friday to Saturday was the Anderson Reunion. Josh's mom and her siblings all have a reunion every year. They invite there Kids and there grandkids to come. The reunion is always held in ephraim. Usually up in the canyon. Josh's uncle Val Jo has a cabin up there. We had a great time chatting with relatives and making new friends Every year the reunion has auction to rase money for the next years reunion. This year they asked people to make home made gifts. I was busy the week before making things. I made two car seat covers. One boy and one girl. 24 burp cloths and 4 painted picture frames. The frames didn't sell at all. The car seat covers sold for a lot and I didn't sell three sets of burp cloths( packs of 3). We enjoyed great food and had a great time.

Saturday night through Wednesday we stayed with Josh's brother. Sunday Josh's Nephew Andrew asked Josh to ordain him to the office of a teacher in the church. I was very touched that he would want Josh to do it. We had a big get together after and watched Escape to WitchMountain when everyone had left.

Monday we spent the time with Bryan and Stacey helping them run errands. We went to McDonald's for a birthday party. That Night I got to watch my two nieces who are 3 and 4 play tee ball. It was hilarious. They where more interested in the dirt.
Andrew my nephew was also playing baseball. We left in the middle of the game to meet with Josh's cousin Hayley for some Ice Cream. After that we came back to get Andrew from his game. He said that he was glad we left because he always does better when he doesn't have anyone watching him. We returned to Bryan's house to a full house. They were having a get together for a neighbor who was moving. Josh and I had a great time chatting with the neighbors.

Tuesday we went to the only Mexican restaurant in Ephraim for lunch. And most of the day we hung out with our two nieces. Hayley who is 4 and Milly who is 3. Hayley kept asking me why the baby in my tummy was not out yet. I had to tell her that my baby wasn't ready to come yet. Then she told me that the baby should come out and if she is not ready she can go back in.
Then came the question of how the baby got in there in the first place. I didn't feel comfortable explaining this to her so I said the baby wanted to be in there. Stacey said that was a good answer, She said that she is going to have and interesting time explaining this concept to her sense she is adopted. We also got flowers and put them on Josh's grandparents and Ben Bryan and Stacey's little boy who was still born. That night we had the great opportunity to watch one of the dress rehearsals for the Manti Pageant. Bryan and Stacey's family is all in it this year. There oldest Brock is Mortal Maroni. It was great.

Wednesday was Josh and I's 9th Anniversary. Josh surprised me with doughnuts, chocolate milk, flowers, and a card for breakfast. Bryan and Stacey then treated us to Chinese. We left after that rented some movies and spent a nice relaxing time at home.

We had a wonderful time. I was very surprised that I didn't have a hard time emotionally. Saturday was the 1st anniversary of Ally's death and Tuesday was Evie's Birthday and Wednesday was Evie's death. I didn't have any crying at all. All except when I went to the Manti Pageant and Christ came to the America's. Christ holds a little baby in that scene and I started to cry.

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