Friday, July 22, 2011

Gracie Lynn is here!

Sunday all day I was having really hard and painful contractions. They were so bad that I was having to breath through them. I really didn't want to go in because we were scheduled to come in Monday morning. But when I was having these contractions where I couldn't talk through them I was worried. We got home from my parents @ about 10:30 p.m. Josh packed the car up and got everything ready for Monday. We went to bed @ 11:15. @ 11:30 I called labor and delivery and told them that we were coming in. We got to the Hospital at 12:15. They checked me and I was @ a 6+. The nurse poked me 2 times to put an IV in but wasn't successful. I had asked for a epidural but they couldn't give me one until I had and IV. I got nauseous and threw up. They then called the Anesthesiologist to come in. He poked me twice but was finally able to get a IV in. Immediately he gave me an epidural and I finally calmed down. Then my water broke and they checked me again. @ this point I was an 8+. Dr. came in and they set up everything for delivery. They then checked again and I was ready to go. Gracie Lynn was born at 2:21 am in the morning. She weighed 6 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. She was healthy and perfect. We are so happy that she is here and healthy. Thank you so much Heavenly Father for our wonderful new blessing.


Samantha Kennicott said...

SOOOO excited for you I can't even tell you! Can't wait to meet her! :)

Karilyn Carreon said...

She is perfect! I love those pictures and want to see LOTS more! mmmmm k! Congratulations I hope you and baby are doing great and you are recovering well!

Abigail said...

She is beautiful! I'm so happy for you and that everything went well :)

Kimball said...

Congratulations. We're very excited for you.