Friday, July 1, 2011

Yet Another Trip to Labor and Delivery

Thursday morning at 4:45 am. I again started to have really bad contractions. The Dr. said to time them and if they did not change or go away in 2 hours to come to Labor and Delivery. I was debating on going in because I had a Dr. Appointment that morning at 10:45. I had tried everything yet again to stop them. Bath and lots of water, resting and nothing seemed to calm them down. I had packed everything needed for the delivery the day before. So at about 6:45 am Josh had me call Labor and Delivery and let them that I was coming in yet again. We packed everything in the car, thinking that Gracie would be arriving that day. Car seat, diaper bag, clothes for our stay, camcorder and camera, etc. Still having bad contractions Labor and Delivery hooked me up to the monitors yet again. They checked me. Still a 3. I had not changed at all seen the last Labor and Delivery trip. Dr. said they would monitor me a couple more hours to see if I made any progress. They tested me for strep B, and ran some blood tests. Still contracting heavily and they where not easing up. Came to check a few hours later and nothing had changed. Still a 3. This was getting ridiculous. I was in pain for nothing. This so sucks. Dr. came in to talk to me. Holding back tears I told him my concerns. I told him how frustrated I was. I told him that we lived in Eagle Mountain and I was very scared that if my water broke at home I wouldn't have enough time to get to the hospital. As most of you know when Ally was born, my water broke and Ally popped right out. It was such a blessing that I was in the hospital or she wouldn't have made it. Dr. Decided to put me on some medication to ease the contractions. I was given 20 mils and was still having bad contractions. So an hour later another dose. They gave me a prescription for the medication and sent me home. I was told to come back if I had taken 2 and contractions where not calming down. I am so frustrated with the whole thing. I wish I could just dilate. I am in so much pain for nothing at all. I can't do anything for the pain but ease it. I wish that I was in pain for something. I was very very disappointed all day Thursday. So I will just be in lots of pain until she comes. I don't really want to drive yet again for another disappointing outcome. But I really want to be in the hospital when my water brakes. So frustrating.

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