Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. Appointment today

Can you believe I didn't have to go to Labor and Delivery today? Its amazing. I had my regular check up today. They were running very slow at that clinic. I think we waited an hour before we were seen. First and ultrasound to check if the baby was head down. She was. I don't think she has ever been head up. I then asked about the umbilical cord. She moves a lot and I don't want the cord to be wrapped around her or in a knot or something like that. Nurse said that it was highly unlikely since she has never been head up. I then asked about the Ambieon that I have been taking. I am almost out. Nurse said that I might want to try to get off that. I will be having a baby very shortly and I don't want to be addicted to Ambieon and not wake up to feed the baby in the night. She suggested that I take half of the rest I have and maybe skip days so that I can get off of it. Next the Dr. cam in and checked my cervix. No changes. Still a 3. I hope this doesn't continue for too much longer. It is starting to get really old. Dr. kept saying that I was only 36 weeks and it still is early. It was weird because I really am almost 37 weeks. 2 more days and I will be 37 weeks. So I really am full term. Just weird that she insisted that I wasn't ready. Well she is right in a way. Gracie isn't here yet. Thank goodness that I get to see my real Dr. She is finally available next week. She might induce @ 38 weeks instead of 39. Since I have a very high risk of having fast labor. Once my water brakes I go way fast or at least i did with Ally. I really want to have this baby in the hospital. Not in the car on the way or at home. We will have to see what happens.

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