Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby Update!

Last Friday Jan 21 I had my 12 week ultrasound. It was kind of a long one because they were checking for Down Syndrome, Trysomi 18 and other things. During the ultrasound I asked the tech if she could find the stomach and let me know if it was in the right place. For those of you who don't know that is how we found out that Allyson had CDH because her heart and stomach was next to each other. The tech looked and told me that it looked like it was in the right place. She also looked at the diaphragm, knowing my history and said that it looked intact. I don't want to get my hopes up but I was so relieved. I don't know if the diaphragm could detach at anytime, but I reassured myself that Evie's and Ally's diaphragm didn't detach it was developed that way. My Dr. is going to do a full very long ultrasound on Feb. 9th to make sure. Also I got some pictures at the ultrasound again. One of between the legs. I am positive I can see something between them. The tech told me that she couldn't see the sex. I think that we will be able to see at the next appointment. My sister Camille says that she is going to laugh when it is a girl instead of a boy, because we totally think that it is a boy. Josh is positive it is a boy and has never been wrong with knowing the sex of the girls. I think it is a boy just because the pregnancy has been so different from my girls. I haven't really had morning sickness (minus 3 times before the Vegas Trip we went on when I threw up 3 times in the car on the way home. Plus I haven't felt pregnant all but the being totally tired all the time. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers. They are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Karilyn Carreon said...

That is all great news- minus the throwing up part! We are praying for you and your little baby! So glad to hear its going well!