Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today's Dr. Appointment

I'm really quite bummed about the out come of this appointment. Nothing is wrong with the baby. But we couldn't find what it was. we had a very fuzzy ultrasound machine today and the doctor said the wasn't positive but it looked like a girl. I was totally u totally unexpected. I have had thought it was a boy the hole pregnancy. I am having a hard time grasping the fact that it might not be a boy. I was so looking forward to finding out for sure today. This weekend I was going to go shopping for boy stuff and now I have to wait another 2 weeks to find out for sure. March 2nd. It seems forever away. I don't know why I am so bummed today. so stupid. I told myself that I would be totally fine with what ever the sex was as long as it was healthy. Which it seems to be. Why all the disappointment. Maybe I am afraid that if it is a girl I will be replacing Ally. Maybe I feel like Josh won't bond with it as much if it isn't a boy. Why all sad I don't know. Maybe i want to have a boy to see what it is like. To shop for boy stuff. Why am I so upset about this. The baby is healthy that is all that matters. Why the disappointing feelings then. I thought I was going to loose it yesterday. I kept looking at the clock and it would only be 15 min. sense I looked at the clock before. I hate being patients sometimes.

1 comment:

Sarah MomE25 said...

I was really disappointed about the gender of one of my children too for about two weeks after i found out, then I started getting over it. I think its normal with all the pregnancy hormones. Don't feel guilty about it. You know that once that baby is here, no matter what gender, you will be so happy. And if it is a girl, once you get to know here a little it wont feel as if she is replacing Ally---Because all babies have such strong different personalities. I am so happy for you, and I pray for you that everything will go well, and that things will get better.