Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Uber Ultrasound will be this Friday!

That's right this Friday we will be having a massive ultrasound to see if this baby has CDH or not. My mind was very nervous about this before the last ultrasound. It has been a little more at ease after the tech last time was able to look for the stomach and said that it seems to be in the right place and that the diaphragm looks intact. I am a little more comforted but the one thought that comes to my mind is if the diaphragm can detach it self once it is formed. I am pretty sure that it can't but still am a little skeptical. I also haven't been feeling well and haven't been eating normal portions of food on account that I am afraid that I might throw it up. This week has be much better. Last night I did notice that I had lost some weight and started to panic a little. It is also hard to know everything is ok when you can't feel movement from the baby. I should be comforted at my 2 week appointment but this one I am more scared than comforted. it is the CDH ultrasound and I have been in Vegas last weekend. Breathing in second hand smoke everywhere and I felt like I ran a marathon with all the walking we did there. Still very nervous that I am going to lose it any time. I am past my 3 month mark but still think that anything can happen. I even think of some people I know who have had the baby die in there body and carry it and have no idea that it is dead. I hope that isn't what happens. I hope this is a healthy normal pregnancy and everything turns out great.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Melanie: I don't know if this will help or not, but I dropped about 10 pounds right at the beginning of my last pregnancy. My baby is fine and weighed over 7 1/2 pounds at birth. I also went to Disneyland for a week with the last pregnancy and am Young Women's president so was up camping for that at the very beginning of the last one too. Ask for a blessing to comfort you, it might not say anything one way or the other about the baby, but could help you a lot. Good luck. You are in my prayers.