Monday, May 16, 2011


So I don't know if most of you have heard that Josh and I are contemplating adopting a 6 month CDH baby named Rhett. He is currently in the Ukraine. Josh is positive that we can rase $25,000 to adopt him. Recently we found out that no applicant with a history of depression or anxiety will be allowed to adopt in the Ukraine. We talked to one of the adoption agents and told them our sad history. They said if I could get off my medication after my pregnancy we would be considered to adopt Rhett.

Josh was thrilled. Me on the other hand am not so. I really don't feel like myself when I am off medication. I feel like I can't handle my life, get overwhelmed way easy and start crying over the simplest things. I want to adopt Rhett but also feel a little overwhelmed with the fact that I would have a new born and an 11 month old at the same time. Also I am way worried to get off my medication. I have been on it since Jr. year in High School.

I have had spiritual feelings about adopting Rhett. Josh has too. I am so nervous about telling Josh that I don't want to get off my medication. I don't want to Brake his hart and crush is sole. (I stole that from Tangled) I know that he really wants to adopt but I am scared to tell him.


Annie K said...

Maybe adopting from the Ukraine is not the right route for you. It may end up costing you way more than $25,000. My uncle just adopted 2 children from there last year. It took them over a year to get to the adoption point and then it took another month (at least) living in the country to go through the evaluations and legal process. My aunt and uncle had to go to the Ukraine for these evaluations. They were given no specified timeframe as to how long they would have to stay. It just varied. Beyond that he had to pay many bribes and payoffs to the government and other agencies just to get it to go through. It was a long, expensive ordeal for them. Just some thoughts. I also know they would not change their decision to adopt.

this is audrey said...

If it's right, it will happen. But for the record, I think you could totally handle 2 young children.