Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dr. Appointment

Thursday June 2, I had another dr. appt. I have been very concerned about delivering early this pregnancy. I asked many questions about it to the dr. She told me that 34 weeks is enough for healthy babies. Although they may spends some time in the NICU. I want to hold Gracie when she comes out. so I might have to weight. These last past weeks I am getting more and more uncomfortable. The internal heater has kicked in and I find myself always hot and tired. I wasn't suppose to have an ultra sound on Thursday but but I told my dr. my concerns and she wanted to make sure everything looked fine. My fluid looks totally normal and my cervix is very long. I also asked the Dr. if I could schedule an induction. I don't want to go into labor and have to drive 45 min. to the hospital. Knowing me I would have the baby in the car. She told me that 36 weeks is full term for a pregnancy but she is only allowed to induce one week early from the due date. She looked at the calendar and told me that we could schedule it for July 24th or July 25th. The 24 is Pioneer Day and the 25th is my uncle Norm"s birthday. We didn't schedule it yet. My dr. says that when you do schedule the inductions the mother usefully goes into preterm labor. So date is not set in stone yet. Gracie also could come earlier too. Anything past 36 weeks and as long as I can hold her after she comes is fine with me too.

So in general Gracie Lynn will most likely make her entrance on July 24th or 25th. Hooray!

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