Thursday, June 23, 2011

Last nights stay in Labor and Delivery

So I spent the night in Labor and Delivery. Last night at 10 I started to have really bad contractions. I took a bath to see if they would go away. Josh and I timed them. I had them 3 min. apart and 13 in one hour. I called Labor and Delivery to ask if I should come in. The stupid dr. who answered said that he didn't know and that he would have to check. Well da. He said he would let Labor and Delivery know that I was coming. So Josh and I went to IMC hospital to Labor and Delivery. They hooked me up to the monitors and started keeping track of my contractions. They checked me once and I was still dilated to a 1+. they started me on an IV and gave me penicillin and some fluids. They then checked again another 3 hours later and I had dilated to a 2+. They said I would be there over night. I had taken and Ambian before we went and thought that I could get a little sleep. Nope not a chance. I think I got 30 min. The contractions kept waking me up. Finally 6 in the morning came. They checked me again and I was at a 3+. They said that they would go ahead and brake my water if I got to a 5 dilation. They kept monitoring me and checking. My contractions had calmed down and weren't coming so close together. The dicided to let me go at 11. I didn't want to go. I would hate to go into real labor on Friday and have to drive all the way back. Allyson was that way. Granted I also was leaking amniotic fluid with her and she had CDH. Gracie could come in 2 days or 2 weeks. Ether way the Dr. said that I will not probably make it full term. He all so told me that we want her to stay in until at least 37 weeks. That way she won't have to spend a month in the NICU.


Karilyn Carreon said...

How far along are you? Yes, the NICU is no fun at all, just lay in bed and only get up for a shower and to use the bathroom! I hope you are doing well!

Abigail said...

Good luck :) Keeping you in my prayers. Just realized you probably don't remember me - we worked together in Shane's flower shop.

Melanie said...

Karilyn I am 35 weeks.
Abigail I totally remember you