Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gracie's eating problem

Gracie does not eat as other kids her age do and is not even on the charts for weight.  I have been really concerned about it so I took her to the Follow Up Nutrition(FUN) clinic for help.  The weighed her and measured her.  They asked me about her eating habits.  I told them that she sometimes won't eat at all and when she does she only has 2 bites and she is done.  They put her on some medication that is suppose to help stimulate her stomach so she will eat more.  She barely weighted 20 pounds and she was almost 2.  At first they only gave her 2.5 ml. of the medication which didn't help at all.  At her 2 year check up with her pediatrician they bumped it up to 5 ml. twice a day.  She gets the weekends off but I think it is working a little.  The medication makes her sleepy so we give it to her before her nap and at bedtime.  I just hope that we don't have to keep giving her the medication all her life.  Oh and also the medication makes her very easy to get sunburned. So I have to be very careful not to have her been in the sun to long or make her ware a hat and sunscreen. 

1 comment:

jerbonashfoy said...

My three year old went through the same thing! and up until two months ago we could never get her to eat! Now she is almost four and only weighs 25 pounds! Two months ago she was still wearing size 9 month clothes! and within 2 months she has grown 6 sizes! but she still hardly weighs any thing! So Gracie, will more than likely decide to eat when she is ready. I will keep her in our prayers for you!